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Conceptualization of AMR


For us to fully understand what AMR was going to be about, we had to get familiar with RJR publication.  So, in producing and polling together content, the 3rd episode of HTPP was crucial, has we had to fully be aware of what RJR was, their design, what they were aiming to do, how they pursued story and how they do what they do. The review when it was still around consisted of professional editors, practitioners in the field and in media, academics, and researchers, and one could argue that was the criteria that was chosen for us in doing the stories that we were tasked to do. So, in our pitch we had to keep in mind that the anchor should be a professional preferable one of the editors of RJR or someone who is familiar with the magazine. The stories had to be of relevance and also be topic that bring into light and that will facilitate debates in Society. In our pitch each person from our group was tasked with presenting the interview they did and provide feedback on what they took from the interview.


Podcasting in South Africa has a future even though it’s still a relatively new format, but we can see a lot of people especially radio presenter turning podcasting. South Africa is a diverse country and there a lot of potential for good storytelling and storytelling has been in the DNA of Africans since the beginning of time. Even the enablers and podcasters in our second episode did agree with prosperity of podcasting having a huge impact in South Africa, as we are a diverse nation and lot of stories that could be told in each of our national language, which could make them distinct from other countries podcast. We are a multilingual country and that is something we should be proud of should use to our advantage in releasing future podcast. Podcasts are a way to introduce people from other parts of the country to your world. However, there are some obstacles like data division, access to internet, and unequal distribution of wealth that may prevent us in producing podcasts, because they demand equipment and equipment which are expensive for many South African. However, the potential of podcasting is there but it just needs us to make access to them easier.

The design was done by Garfield Khanyile

This is the podcast that Sibu and I made for pilot episode of AMR

how_to_pitch_a_podcast_in_a_pandemic_13_nov_ep_working_on_the_pilot_mediumArtist Name
00:00 / 18:44
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